
Hey everyone! I'm Elder Weston Barnes, a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm originally from the Southwestern corner of Missouri just outside Branson. I left my home of wooded hills and long windy lakes for two years to serve the Lord here in Vancouver. This blog is dedicated to sharing my story and helping others understand what I believe.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Harrison Hill

So I gotta tell this story because I know we've all been in a similar situation before. Maybe not so much similar, but enough to relate to the principle. The other day we were ridding our bikes in the rain as usual. We got to a hill in between SE 20th and 30th Ave. I'm likely exaggerating when I say it was a 45 degree slope but it sure felt like it! I was so consumed with what I thought was a trial that when another bicyclist flew past me down the hill, I wasn't thinking very highly of him. "He doesn't even understand how hard it is to go up this hill and he just goes flying right past me like he doesn't even care!" Were the thoughts in my head. It was then that the spirit hit me over the head with a baseball bat. Well, not literally. He brought to my "remembrance" (John 14:26) the fact that just over an hour ago, I went down this very same hill. I had past judgment on an individual that I didn't even know for without the least amount of reasoning. It hadn't even crossed my mind that he would be going up this hill later if he hadn't already that day.
I know, this may be kinda a lame story, especially on my part, but I learned something very important that I hope will stick with me. We all have our ups and downs in this life. Just because we are having our down while another is having their up, does not give us license to judge them. Rather, we should be excited for them!
The principle in this video is a little different then the one I just described, however they go hand in hand. They both go along with the commandment: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" (Matt 7) We should always be kind in our words in our deeds, we don't know what others have gone or are going through. I hope each of you will join me in trying a little harder to be patient, trying a little harder to be loving, and trying a little harder to be more like Christ.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"More Worthy of Thy Love"

Lately the lyric, "Make me more worthy of thy love, And fit me for the life above," has been running almost constantly through my head. It comes from the song: Savior, Redeemer of My Soul, penned by Orson F. Whitney. The Spirit has not allowed it to leave me as of yet. There is something very beautifully inspired and poetic about asking God to make us, or me, more worthy of His unconditional love. It is already there, it is always available. Even better, He wants us to have it and to share it. Asking for the help to be worthy of such tender mercy and care is at the root of true repentance. This expression of need is a plea to have singleness of heart. It is asking for the Atoning Grace of Christ to fill in the cracks and cleanse us of our weaknesses.
"It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed." —Richard G. Scott,
Now, how I've been able to apply this principle to myself. Personally, I've often struggled with the difference between being worthy and being deserving. Deserving means to do what is required to achieve something, as where worthy means to be suitable or fit for a specified thing. Because I am mortal and have made mistakes, I will never deserve the things the God has and will give me. However, I have had a very strong witness that Christ can make me worthy through His atoning sacrifice. Atone means "at-one-with." I owe everything to my Savior for making me more worthy of His love and making me at one with Him. Regardless of how personally tailored this experience is for me, it is here for everyone. It is personal for everyone. I know that is true and I cannot deny it. I pray that I will continue to become more worth for the Lord's love as He fits me for the Kingdom above.